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Blocks in Motion

An interactive computer animation program for Grades K to 6, developed to assist students in acquiring skills such as sequencing, problem solving, and critical thinking.

more about Blocks in Motion


Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) is a sequence of instruction that ensures students attain a thorough understanding of the mathematical concepts they are learning.

more about Concrete-Representational-Abstract

Copy Cover Compare

A test-study strategy that is individually paced to teach the basic skills or knowledge for any given subject area in lower grade classrooms (K-2)

more about Copy Cover Compare


The purpose of this program is to diagnose students in grade 3 and up procedural errors involving place-value in subtraction, based on their item responses.

more about DEBUGGY

Family Math

The purpose of Family Math is to increase the involvement of underrepresented students such as non-Asian minorities and women, in grades K - 9, in the domain if mathematics. The program attempts to achieve its purpose by increasing parental involvement in children’s mathematics learning.

more about Family Math

Graphic Organizers for Teaching Advanced Level Math

Graphic organizers are visual-spatial displays used to organize knowledge and represent relationships. It is used to complement regular classroom instruction in advanced mathematics.

more about Graphic organizers


A math program whereby each math concept is broken down into small, manageable steps where the level of difficulty is slowly increased to enable independent practice, while the teacher provides guidance, feedback, frequent assessments, and explicit instruction throughout the process.

more about JUMP Math

Let’s Play Mancala

Mancala is an umbrella term used for strategy games people have played for thousand of years in Africa, Asia, and adjacent islands. It can be used to teach mathematical concepts to children with and without learning disabilities in grades 1 to 8.

more about Mancala


Manipulatives are concrete objects that are used with verbal instruction to teach students at all levels mathematical concepts and skills .

more about Manipulatives

Mapping Instruction

The purpose of this method is to help children in grade 2 and up understand the correspondence between block representations of number and written procedures, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the conceptual basis for multi-digit arithmetic.

more about Mapping Instruction

Math Workshops for Parents

The purpose of math workshops for parents is to help improve the math skills of children by helping parents become better prepared to support them in math.

more about Math Workshops for Parents

Mnemonic Multiplication Fact Instruction

This technique was developed to help students in grade 3 and beyond remember basic multiplication facts.

Multiplication Math Fact Sheet
Using Memory-Enhancing Strategies to Learn Multiplication Facts

Problem Solving

The purpose of this approach is to emphasize the use of problem solving skills in the classroom for children in grades 4 through 8 and in grade 9 algebra.

more about Problem Solving


The QuickSmart program is an intervention that aims to develop fluent (Quick) and efficient (Smart) strategy use.

more about QuickSmart

The Rightstart Program

The general objective of this program is to give kindergarten children the conceptual basis for successful learning of arithmetic in the early elementary curriculum.

more about the Rightstart Program

Solve It!

This program was designed to provide students in grade 7 and beyond.

more about Solve It!


A program designed to help young children learn the foundations of mathematics (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) through the use of multiple senses (visual, auditory, and tactile).

more about TouchMath