Participate in our research
We are currently looking for participants to take part in a study examining the peer and family relationships of adolescents both with and without ADHD. Specifically, we will be asking adolescents about their experiences of peer victimization and they will be asked to rate the quality of their relationship with their parents as well as their friends and romantic partners (if applicable). We are also interested in knowing more about the levels of parenting stress that parents of adolescents experience, their feelings about their role as parents, and their involvement in their adolescents’ education. Understanding the nature of the peer and family relationship problems of adolescents with ADHD will inform intervention programs that might improve their relationships including school-based prevention programs such as peer-coaching and parent education programs focused on the adolescent period.
Who can participate?
We are looking for 13-18 year olds with and without ADHD and their parents.
What do I have to do?
Adolescents will be taking part in a testing session that will take approximately 4 hours plus short breaks as needed and a lunch break. During the session, the adolescent will answer questions about their friendships, romantic relationships (if applicable), and their relationship with their parents. In addition, adolescents will do some academic and problem-solving activities.
Parents/guardians (both, if applicable) are asked to complete a series of online questionnaires which ask various questions about their child’s peer relationships as well as their parenting stress, parenting practices and their involvement in their child’s education. The online questionnaires will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete and can be filled out at any time that is convenient for you. We will also send an online questionnaire to the adolescent’s teacher to fill out which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
When and where does the research take place?
Testing with the adolescent will take place at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), which is located at 252 Bloor Street West (above St. George subway station). Testing typically takes place on weekends, however, we can make arrangements to test during the week if that is preferred.
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What’s in it for me?
In addition to helping the scientific community to better understand peer and family relationships in youth with and without ADHD, it is our hope that the findings of this research will aid in our understanding of how to best support youth in the home, school, and mental health settings.
There are also are several direct benefits that participants receive from the study: Teens may choose between receiving $30 for their participation or the time spent taking part in the study can be counted towards a Community Service Certificate.
Parents/guardians and the participants themselves will receive a written report that documents the youth’s performance on the educational and behavioural rating scale measures and has recommendations for strategies to address their needs. They may then decide to share this report with their secondary school or accessibility services department of their postsecondary institution. We will disseminate the research findings on our website and both parents and youth will be invited to attend future workshops hosted by our lab.
I’m interested – how can I sign up?
If you would like to learn more about study, please email You can also phone us at 416-978-0933.